Follow these guidelines if you don't have a specific diagnosis or reason for your back pain:
Participate in Aerobic Activity
Stay Active: Do not decrease you activity levels just because you are in pain
Avoid aggravating activities
Individualized Posture Advice:
Local Stabilization: Multifidus and Transversus Abdominis Training
Log rolling technique to get out of bed
Avoid prolonged positioning
Do not hold your breath when lifting or using the rest room
Follow these back pain guidelines if you have pain from a herniated disc:
Participate in Aerobic Activity
Stay Active: Do not decrease you activity levels just because you are in pain
Avoid aggravating activities
Individualized Posture Advice
Local Stabilization: Multifidus and Transversus Abdominis Training
Log rolling technique to get out of bed
Avoid prolonged positioning
Do not hold your breath when lifting or using the rest room
Extension Exercise: People who have weak back extensors are shown to have higher prevalence
Avoid bending foreward in the morning as much as possible
Use lumbar pillow when sitting if unable to hold anterior pelvic tilt or to maintain proper curve in low back
These are recommended products for performing guidelines